Partnerships & Sponsorships

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Alongside Gresham College’s two founding sponsors – the Mercer’s Company and the City of London Corporation - Gresham is proud to work with corporate and philanthropic foundations to further our crucial work of making world-class knowledge freely accessible to the public.

By working with the College, you have the opportunity to to improve education and to advance the dissemination of world-class research by joining the Gresham community which reaches millions of people every year.

With any partnership, Gresham seeks to work with organisations and individuals who align with Gresham’s mission to foster, and nurture, a love of learning amongst people of all ages and all backgrounds. Each of our partners believe in the tremendous role education can play in transforming people’s lives – particularly those from less-privileged backgrounds. The College is pleased to work with these partners to advance mutual areas of interest and to provide enriching educational talks and videos to audiences all across the world. 

Two impactful partnerships at Gresham are:

In 2014, with the support of the Frank Jackson Foundation, we established the Frank Jackson Foundation Professor of the Environment. This Professorship focuses on current environmental issues that affect our lives globally. Professor Myles Allen is the current Frank Jackson Professor of the Environment.  

In 2015, with the support of the Worshipful Company of Information Technologists, we established the IT Livery Company Professor of Information Technology. This Professorship focuses on all things digital. Professor Victoria Baines is the current IT Livery Company Professor of Information Technology.

If you are interested in working with Gresham College to develop a partnership or to sponsor our work, please get in touch with Jus via