Trusts and Foundations Support

String of joined paper figures

Gresham College is proud to work with Trusts and Foundations to further our crucial work of making world-class knowledge freely accessible to the public. 

With any partnership, Gresham College seeks to work with Trusts and Foundations who align with Gresham’s mission to foster a love of learning amongst people of all ages and backgrounds.  

Each Trust and Foundation we work with believes in the tremendous role education can play in transforming people’s lives, particularly those from less-privileged backgrounds. The College is pleased to work with these Trusts to advance mutual areas of interest, and to provide enriching educational talks and videos to audiences across the world.  

We look forward to working with more Trusts and Foundations. If this could be your Trust or Foundation, we would love to hear from you. 

For further information, please email Celia Blakeway-Phillips, Head of Fundraising and Engagement on or call +44(0) 7827 068129 

Our Trust and Foundation Supporters

City of London Corporation (Cultural & Creative Learning Fund)

The City of London Corporation (Cultural & Creative Learning Fund) kindly made a £10,000 grant to Gresham College for a ‘Pilot School Series – Inspiring Young Minds’ to deliver five lectures.  

In 2023, Gresham College developed its first schools’ outreach strategy and programme. 

Within state schools, there has been a real demand for Gresham Professors to deliver talks in-person to students in school auditoriums. This provides students with direct access to world-class speakers and enables Gresham Professors to tailor their lectures to a younger audience.

As a result of the pilot and the support of The City of London Corporation (Cultural & Creative Learning Fund), Gresham College has been able to: 

  • Provide young Londoners with access to world-class academics and lectures.  
  • Pilot a schools’ outreach partnership with a state school in London, with a high level of Pupil Premium; this scheme is now being extended over the coming academic years. 
  • Raise awareness of Gresham College’s educational resources amongst young people in London, encouraging them to access our wealth of free resources.  

‘We were pleased to support Gresham College with their pilot so that they can ensure students from all backgrounds are able to benefit from access to free lectures by world-class speakers.  We are pleased they are developing the project into the future.’ 

Gresham College is grateful for the support of the City of London Corporation (Cultural & Creative Learning Fund). 

Independent Social Research Foundation (ISRF)

As a result of the Independent Social Research Foundation (ISRF) regularly hiring Gresham College’s hall for their book launch events, they sponsored their first series of lectures during the academic year 2023-2024, on the topic of ‘Migration’ with three speakers who were ISRF Fellows. They donated £12,000 for the lectures. 

The ISRF continues its support for Gresham College and is sponsoring a lecture series in the current academic year. 

‘Gresham is inventive, intellectually cutting-edge, universally accessible, and free – this combination has made them an ideal partner for us.’ Professor Christopher Newfield, Director of Research  

Gresham College is grateful for the support of the Independent Social Research Foundation. 

Merchant Taylors’ Foundation

Gresham College is grateful for the Merchant Taylors’ Foundation’s support. 

The Merchant Taylors’ Foundation has supported Gresham College with £10,000 to launch and fund prizes for the Gresham College Oracy competition. The Oracy Competition promotes the art of communicating complex information in a clear, concise and compelling way, which is an essential skill for young people to excel in their professional and personal lives.   

‘The Merchant Taylors’ Foundation has been delighted to support Gresham College from the inception of their Oracy Competition, as well as the sixth-form students across the UK who take part and are proud to be associated with Gresham College’s work.’ 

Gresham College is grateful for the support of the Merchant Taylors’ Foundation


Rosetrees CIO kindly made a grant of £5,000 to support the Gresham College Oracy Competition. They funded the Rosetrees Award for two competition finalists who answered the STEM questions. They also kindly supported Gresham College by providing one of the judges for the 2024 competition. 

'We were thrilled to support the work of Gresham College and the Oracy Competition as we believe presentation skills are very important in the scientific world.’ 

The Gresham College Oracy Competition promotes the art of communicating complex information in a clear, concise and compelling way, an essential skill for young people to excel in their professional and personal lives. 

Gresham College is grateful for the support of Rosetrees

St Paul’s Schools Foundation 

The St Paul’s Schools Foundation supported Gresham College with a £47,443 grant in 2022 to advance the new outreach programme to engage students with Gresham College academic content.  

We would particularly like to extend our thanks to the Mercers’ Company as a trustee of The St Paul's Schools Foundation for supporting our mission to make sure more young people can benefit from Gresham knowledge.  

The outreach programme has had an impact on young people and helps those students from disadvantaged backgrounds to fulfil their potential through greater access to free educational resources. As a result of this initial support, Gresham College has recruited an Outreach Officer who spearheads this work. 

‘Our students have found the talks really beneficial, and it has inspired seven of our further mathematicians to study mathematics at university.’  Ally Dowson, Curriculum Leader for Maths and Computer Science, City and Islington College attending the Sarah Hart – Lecture series, 2003/24 

Gresham College is grateful for the support of St Paul’s Schools Foundation. 

The Frank Jackson Foundation.  

In 2014, with the support of the Frank Jackson Foundation, we established the Frank Jackson Foundation Professor of the Environment.  

This professorship has helped us to address one of the most important issues of today and has advanced public awareness and education on environmental issues.   

Professor Myles Allen is the current Frank Jackson Professor of the Environment taking over from Professor Jacqueline McGlade.   

As a result of Frank Jackson Foundation’s support, Professor Allen’s second lecture series (2023-24), was entitled ‘When Net Zero?’ 

Gresham College is grateful for the support of The Frank Jackson Foundation.

Worshipful Company of Information Technologists

In 2015, with the support of the Worshipful Company of Information Technologists, Gresham College established the IT Livery Company Professor of Information Technology. This Professorship focuses on all things digital. 

Professor Victoria Baines is the current IT Livery Company Professor of Information Technology. 

Dr Victoria Baines appointed IT Livery Company Professor of IT | Gresham College 

Commenting on the relationship with Gresham College, the Chair of the WCIT Charity, Dr Stefan Fafinski DL, said: “The Worshipful Company of Technologists is honoured to be one of only two Livery Companies to sponsor lectures at this distinguished College. As technology continues to play an increasingly important role in our lives, we are committed to ensuring that everyone has free access to the knowledge that keeps them safe, informed, and empowered to use tech for positive impact.” 

Gresham College is grateful for the support of the Worshipful Company of Information Technologists