Press Centre

Journalists sitting and writing in notepads

Gresham College press releases can be viewed below. The Press Team gives advanced notice of groundbreaking lectures to accredited journalists including embargoed transcripts when possible. If you would like to be added to our press list or need information about a particular event please email

Gresham College Welcomes Alain Goriely as New Professor of Geometry
10 June 2024

Gresham College Welcomes Clive Stafford Smith JD OBE as New Professor of Law
28 May 2024

Gresham College Announces Schools Competition Finalists 2024
18 March 2024

New CEO announced for Gresham College
Richard Smith OBE joins Gresham College from The Tank Museum.
1 Nov 2023

Chris Lintott appointed Gresham Professor of Astronomy
Lintott’s lectures will incorporate breaking news and new discoveries
22 Jun 2023

Milton Mermikides appointed 37th Gresham Professor of Music
His first series The Nature of Music, examines the universal building blocks of music
13 June 2023

How Pagan Was Medieval Britain?
British Christianity made paganism redundant
7 June 2023

Alan Turing: Pioneer of Mathematical Biology
His pioneering work is finding further applications today
6 June 2023

The Risks of Technology in Business
Does technology work to level the playing field, or actually deepen bias?
5 June 2023

Sickle Cell Disease: A Cultural History
Initially viewed as an exclusively ‘Black disease’
1 June 2023

Do We Need the Police?
Policing has often served the function of protecting the ruling class
25 May 2023

Christopher Wren’s medical discoveries
First intravenous drugs, fluid and blood, and first ‘resuscitation’
17 May 2023

The Mathematical Life of Florence Nightingale
Polar area diagrams paved path to improve hospital conditions
16 May  2023

Dementia: A Cultural History
Is ‘Ageism’ still one of ‘the most acceptable forms’ of discrimination?
11 May 2023

The Future of Tall Buildings
Are they sustainable now? And can they become more sustainable in future?
27 April 2023

Finding Lost Gods in Wales
Evidence of paganism in Welsh medieval manuscripts is frustratingly inconclusive
26 April 2023

Architects and Engineers: Making Infrastructure Beautiful
Explores the roles of beauty and longevity in ‘good’ infrastructure
25 April 2023

Reclaiming Women in the Hebrew Bible
Explores the wide variety of women’s roles including leaders, foreign agents and carer
25 April 2023

Do We Need Criminal Law?
Lecture will choose between abolitionism and reformism
Thursday 20 April 2023

What Is the Role of Nuclear Power in a Net Zero System?
Nuclear energy has ‘the lowest’ carbon footprint, lower even than renewables
Embargo: 19 April 7pm

Gene Editing: A New Legal Frontier
Looks at the complex ethical arguments around its potential to 'enhance' humans
17 April 2023

Women Leaders in Early Christianity
Why did the place of women in the church change?
05 April 2023

Who Benefited from the British Empire?
4 April 2023

Portraits of Native Americans from Pocahontas to Sitting Bull
Portraits are ‘contact zones where two radically different cultures confront each other’
28 March 2023

Medieval Agricultural Revolution
New scientific evidence for early adoption of crop rotation
23 March 2023

How Microbes Manipulate Life
Explores the “dark and disturbing world of microbial manipulators”
22 March 2023

Defeating Digital Viruses
Looks at the hyperbolic language of ‘cyber pandemic’ sowing fear, uncertainty and doubt
21 March 2023 

Landscapes of Roman Britain
Now thought to be densely populated
15 March 2023

Picturesque Engineering: Telford’s Highland Roads and Bridges
Chronicling massive public works to slow the depopulation of the Highlands
14 March 2023

Sleep and Mental Health
Do mental disorders trigger insomnia, or is it the other way round?
13 March 2023

The Carbon Cycle behind Net Zero
Explores why ‘Geological Net Zero’ must be the aim of any Net Zero Strategy
7 March 2023

Portraits of Queen Elizabeth II
2 March 2023

Historical Fiction
Kept alive by Georgette Heyer in the twentieth century
1 March 2023

Big Data in Business
Looks at examples from Target to Netflix to Google Translate
27 Feb 2023

Stonehenge: a History
Looks at how conceptions of ‘race’ and empire influenced ideas about Stonehenge
23 Feb 2023

Queen Victoria: Images of Power and Empire
Images range from Empress of India to the Widow of Windsor
15 February 2023

What's the Problem with Encryption?
Do we really have nothing to fear about back doors in end-to-end encryption?
15 February 2023

Diminished and Augmented Chords
Discusses diminished 7th chord and its use to create sublime terror
9 February 2023

Living with Mental Health
We need to start thinking about mental well-being from birth
6 February 2023

Slavery and the British Economy
Describes brutal punishment and regime of terror during slave trade
7 February 2023

Do We Need Barristers?
There is no sensible reason for a split profession
2 February 2023

The Ocean Physics Behind Net Zero
To halt warming, carbon dioxide levels need to decline. How fast is still an open question
31 January 2023

Lottery-Winning Maths
Six strategies for maximising your lottery winnings using mathematics and probability
31 January 2023

Louis XIV: Versailles, Europe and the Arts
Looks at the reign of one of the most passionate and wide ranging arts patrons in history
25 January 2023

Students compete in final of Gresham Schools Competition
25 January 2023

DeFi, Crypto and NFTs in Business
Over the past 15 years, crypto has built an entire financial system from scratch
23 January 2023

Medical Experts in the Family Court
Discusses ‘clash’ of law and medicine in the family court
19 January 2023

Breast Cancer: A Cultural History
12 January 2023

Microbial Master-Chemists
How humans ‘domesticated’ microbial chemistry in food production and the evolution of antibiotics
11 January 2023

Coronary Heart Disease
Still the second leading cause of mortality in the UK
10 January 2023

Paganism in Roman Britain
Which new gods came with the Romans?
7 December 2022

How to Fight Fake News
Looks at solutions for growing online disinformation
6 December 2022

Israel-Palestine Conflict: Religion, Violence and Peacebuilding
What hope is there of a just, sustainable peace in Israel-Palestine in future?
5 December 2022

Do We Need Judges?
Is vesting power in judges undemocratic?
1 December 2022

London Air: the 70th Anniversary of the Great London Smog
25 November 2022

How to apply Game Theory to Duels, House Buying and Love
How to use  Game Theory in the Everyday Real-world applications
22 November 2022

Polio: A Cultural History
‘I am not polio!’ How cultural perceptions of ‘the crippler’ (polio) dehumanized millions of people
10 November 2022

Why Did Europe’s Economies Diverge from Asia?
Did the Great Divergence stem from Western Europe draining the wealth of colonised countries? Was it down to the use of coal that broke resource constraints? Or were other factors in play?
8 November 2022

The Partition of British India: 75 Years On
Uncovering the hidden, traumatic memories that haunt British South Asians
1 November 2022

Exposome: “a potential measure of the effects of life course exposures on health”
the 20-year gap in healthy life between wealthiest and poorest in England
27 October 2022

The Politics of Fabric and Fashion in Africa, 1960-Today
Renaissance and re-valorisation of African textile traditions and fashions after independence
20 October 2022

Who Owns the Internet?
Just as road safety requires a whole society response, so too with the Internet
7 September 2022