Lecture, Barnard's Inn Hall, Thursday, 9 Jan 2025 - 18:00

Writing a British Constitution

House of Parliament superimposed on backdrop of magna carta

Recently, the UK has gotten into a muddle over Scottish independence and Brexit. This lecture considers what we can learn from the US, which took much of its system from the theory behind the UK structure: the King as the Executive, a Legislature made up of the House of Commons balanced by the House of Lords, and the judiciary.

It asks questions such as, what role should the judiciary play? Have the British got confused about the notion of ‘Parliamentary Supremacy’, deciding that this meant that Parliament was supreme not just to the King, but to the judiciary too?

Clive Stafford Smith JD OBE

Professor Clive Stafford Smith JD OBE

Gresham Professor of Law

Clive Stafford Smith JD OBE is a dual UK-US national, the founder and director of  the Justice League a non-profit human rights training centre...

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