Gresham Competition FAQs

What is the Gresham Competition?

The Gresham Competition is a competition for students inviting them to record and submit a short presentation on a particular topic, answering one of a set of questions provided. It is designed to  promote the art of communicating complex information in a clear, concise and compelling way. 

What is this year’s topic?

This year’s competition is on the theme of the environment and sustainability. Your presentation should focus on one of the following questions:

  1. Who should be responsible for creating a better future environment for the next generation? How and why?
  2. What should the UK government do about the environment that will benefit your generation?
  3. Who should be most responsible for getting to Net Zero and why?
  4. What's the greatest positive environmental change you expect to see in your lifetime?
  5. What responsibilities should young people take on to address environmental / climate issues today and why?

Who can enter the competition?

Year 12 students in England, S5 students in Scotland and Year 13 students in Northern Ireland. 

Are students allowed to join the competition as a pair of group? 

No, individual entries only please; however, you can work together on filming/provide feedback on your peers to help them give a better presentation

Should I use a powerpoint presentation, graphic elements, props or animations?

You have a bit of leeway as to how you construct your video, but the main focus should be you speaking. You can use images, graphs or other visual props if you feel that helps explain your points. Perhaps browse some of our examples to get inspiration:…

Can I use notes?

Yes, if you want to. 

Do you offer in-person training in public speaking?

No but please browse our resources for guidance and inspiration:… Alex Edmans, our last Business Professor did a whole speech on public speaking for business that may help -

See also:

When should I submit my presentation:

The deadline for submission is 8am on 15 November 2022

How do I submit my presentation?

Submission has two parts: 

  1. please fill out your entry form here  
  2. upload the video file in the format studentname_schoolname here

What happens after I submit my presentation?

We will let you know if you have been shortlisted by 30 November 2021. Following shortlisting, finalists will be invited to a panel event to present their topic live on 24 January 2023 in London; each finalist will have five minutes to present and five minutes for Q&A with the panel.

Three Gresham medals will be awarded (Bronze, Silver and Gold), along with finalist certificates.