Lecture, Conway Hall, Wednesday, 23 Apr 2025 - 19:00

Asteroid Adventures

a cgi asteroid shown in space with planet earth in the background

Asteroids were for years considered 'celestial vermin' – objects which got in the way of more interesting fodder for astronomers. Now, they are central to our Solar System's story, the building blocks from which planets are made, and capable of telling us the history of the last five billion years.

This lecture considers two missions – Lucy, which flies past asteroid DonaldJohanson in April 2025, and OSIRIS-ReX, which recently returned from the threateningly near-Earth asteroid Bennu carrying samples of this unusual world.

Professor Chris Lintott

Professor Chris Lintott

Professor of Astronomy

Professor Chris Lintott is a Professor of Astrophysics at the University of Oxford, and a Research Fellow at New College.

Having been educated at Magdalene College, Cambridge...

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