Professor Victoria Baines launches Cybersecurity Videos

Cybersecurity campaign

Gresham IT Professor Victoria Baines in conjunction with the college has today released three cyber security videos to help people be safer online. 

Victoria aid: "During the COVID pandemic, we asked members of the public to protect themselves and their communities. Millions of people around the world wore masks, washed their hands, socially distanced, and were vaccinated.

"Yet when we communicate with the public about digital viruses - cybercrime - we make people feel that there is nothing they can do except buy some security software and be very afraid,” Professor Victoria Baines said.

“Based on my research, we decided to do things differently. There is no evidence that terrifying people makes them any safer! But we do know that communicating clearly what people can do to help has a positive impact on public health, and that humour is an effective way to engage.

"We looked to classic public information films like “Coughs and Sneezes” (1946) for inspiration and focused on just three things people can do to protect themselves and others from cybercrime.@